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RPGamer - Official Site Preview - Final Fantasy Type-0 HD It's been over three years since its release in Japan, but the rest of the world will finally get to play Final Fantasy Type-0, now with the shiny HD veneer. Here is an idea of what to expect for the long-gestating title.
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Sir Terry Pratchett: "I thought my Alzheimer's would be a lot worse than this by now" - Telegraph “I have to tell you that I thought I’d be a lot worse than this by now,” he says. “And so did my specialist. At the moment, it’s the fact that I’m well into my sixties [he is 64] that’s the problem. All the minor things that flesh is heir to. This knee is
assemble - definition of assemble by The Free Dictionary as·sem·ble (ə-sĕm′bəl) v. as·sem·bled, as·sem·bling, as·sem·bles v.tr. 1. To bring or call together into a group or whole: The bailiff assembled the jury. See Synonyms at call. 2. To fit together the parts or pieces of: assemble a machine; assemble data.
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Would you call 911 on another parent? - The Washington Post Would you call 911 if you saw a child sitting in a car parked outside a store, alone, engrossed in a video game? Or a 9-year-old playing alone at a playground? Or a 10- and 6-year-old walking purposefully, hand-in-hand, toward home? Stories are mounting o
If an Algorithm Wrote This, How Would You Even Know? - NYTimes.com LET me hazard a guess that you think a real person has written what you’re reading. Maybe you’re right. Maybe not. Perhaps you should ask me to confirm it the way your computer does when it demands that you type those letters and numbers crammed like abst